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Friday, February 6, 2009

Fake Your Clickbank Earnings "Guru style".

well, I found a way, wich none has thought of. Everybody knows the sales pages, where they are trying to get there product getting sold by showing how much they've earned with it. Most of the time there product is not, wich you thought it would be.

In another post of mine I showed how you can fake your adsense earnings. This time I will show how you can fake your clickbank earnings.
well it's quite easy, well it's actually too easy. You just have to add a java script code to your navigationbar.
here is the code:

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

At first it will look like nothing happend, but you can change everything on the site. And ofcourse the earnings.
look at what you can achieve with this. Now you will think twice before you will buy a product from a spammy salespage.

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